STARTS ON 19th February 2024
Erasmus Intensive Language Courses

Erasmus is a European Union programme aiming at promoting multilateral cooperation among institutions of higher education in Europe. The programme takes its name after Erasmus, one of the significant representors of Renaissance Humanism who had been in various European Countries both as a student and an academic. Within the scope of Erasmus Programme, for the students, there is the opportunity of having a part of their learning and teaching experiences in abroad. Increasing the quality of higher education in Europe and developing tolerance towards different cultures are among the aims of Erasmus programme.

In the countries where any language apart from English, French, German and Spanish is spoken are held intensive language courses as a preparation for the term of Erasmus for the students who want to get advantage of this exchange programme. With the help of these courses, before students started to their academic studies or internships, they learn both the native language and the culture of the countries they went to. Duration of the course is between 3 and 6 weeks and it contains at least 60 course hours.

As in winter and summer terms, our courses are set two times in a year. In these courses, the duration of one course is four weeks.  The aim is to teach students in a way to reach at the level of A1 and A2 regarding European Language Portfolio referring to Council of Europe’s Common European Framework.  

In this programme, it is intended to teach Turkish in two different levels:

At the elementary level (A1), it is aimed at teaching Turkish in a level needed to conduct daily life to Erasmus students who do not know our language at all. It is also aimed at the end of this course that the students can simply communicate with the people around themselves, can understand daily expressions, can introduce themselves or other people around themselves, can express their basic needs and ask questions about them.

At the intermediate level (A2), it is aimed at teaching Turkish in a more advanced level to the Erasmus students who know our language in a beginner level. At the end of this course, it is intended that students can talk about themselves and their surroundings, can express their ideas about the issues they know, can understand the meaning of and can ask questions about frequently used statements on the issues related to family, school, shopping… etc.

In these courses, a specific book prepared by the center is used and the courses are supported by a variety of materials and activities.

At the end of the course, a certificate is given to the successful students and a participation document is given to all students attended to the courses.